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Pulpwood Paradise and the US South

Biomass Magazine - 17/10/2022

Wood fiber costs account for over 50% of the total pulp manufacturing cost worldwide, so tracking wood fiber costs supports investment and operational decisions across a range of facilities and markets in the forest sector.

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Minnesota Biomass Revival

Biomass Magazine - 14/10/2022


Urban centers are expecting the current onslaught of EAB-killed wood to continue, but lost infrastructure will need rebuilding for woody biomass markets to rebound.

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EIA predicts higher winter heating costs, drop in wood heating

Biomass Magazine - 13/10/2022


The U.S. EIA on Oct. 12 released its 2022-’23 Winter Fuels Outlook, predicting that U.S. households will face increased energy costs this winter due to higher fuel prices combined with higher heating demand due to expect lower temperatures.

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EIA updates 2022, 2023 bioenergy forecasts

Biomass Magazine - 13/10/2022


Renewables are expected to provide 22 percent of U.S. electricity generation this year, increasing to 24 percent in 2023, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s latest Short-Term Energy Outlook.

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EIA: Densified biomass fuel sales at 1.07 million tons in June

Biomass Magazine - 13/10/2022


The U.S. Energy Information Administration recently released data showing U.S. manufacturers produced approximately 930,000 tons of densified biomass fuel in June, with sales reaching 1.07 million tons.

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Enviva responds to short-seller report

Biomass Magazine - 13/10/2022


Enviva Inc., the world’s leading producer of sustainably sourced wood biomass, on Oct. 12 issued the following statement in response to allegations made in a report by a self-proclaimed short seller.

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Avfuel and Sheltair cover SAF bases for NBAA-BACE

Biomass Magazine - 13/10/2022


Avfuel Corp. partnered with Sheltair Aviation and Neste to ensure NBAA-BACE attendees have the option to fuel sustainably for the 2022 show. Avfuel has two truckload deliveries of Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel to its branded FBO at KORL.

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Eni starts exporting vegetable oil for biorefining from Kenya

Biomass Magazine - 13/10/2022


The first cargo of vegetable oil for biorefining produced by Eni in Kenya has left the port of Mombasa, on its way to Gela’s biorefinery. This marks the start of the transport and logistic system that will support the value chain in the country.

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Wastewater facilities incorporate Greasezilla technology

Biomass Magazine - 13/10/2022


Downey Ridge Environmental Co., developer of Greasezilla FOG (fats, oils & grease) separation and processing system, announces a significant increase in the number of wastewater facilities incorporating Greasezilla into their operations.

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USDA maintains forecast for soybean oil use in biofuel production

Biomass Magazine - 12/10/2022


The USDA maintained its forecast for 2022-’23 soybean oil use in biofuel production in its latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report, released Oct. 12. The agency, however, lowered its forecast for U.S. soybean production.

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USDA: Soybean production down 3% from 2021

Biomass Magazine - 12/10/2022


U.S. soybean production is forecast at 4.31 billion bushels for 2022, down 3 precent when compared to 2021, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistic Service’s latest Crop Production report, released Oct. 12.

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Strategic Biofuels to develop RFS compliance tracking system

Biomass Magazine - 12/10/2022


The U.S. Forest Service has awarded Strategic Biofuels a cooperative agreement under its Wood Innovations Program to develop a robust, auditable cloud-based system for demonstrate compliance of forestry feedstock undeder the RFS.

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